All your servicing needs, carefully carried out by experienced technicians who care

PMI – Preventative Maintenance Inspections
Regular inspections (recommended every 6 to 12 weeks) giving the vehicle a full check so that any defects are fixed, to ensure its roadworthiness. This is a requirement under the Operators Licence
Truck and Trailer Servicing
All servicing from 8-week inspections to annual certification and everything in-between. Carried out on site by technicians who also service Xpression’s own vehicles, all to our high standard. Large or small trucks and trailers, including the manufacture (on site) of items where needed.
A Rolfo approved supplier

Xpression Servicing are delighted to have been chosen by Rolfo to be a UK Servicing Agency for them. As owners of a number of Rolfo Trailers ourselves, having an Agency agreement with them fitting perfectly for both companies and we are delighted to work with them and their customers.
ROLFO UK Servicing Agency

Brake Test Reports
The inspection of brakes on a rolling road, with repairs where necessary. This will be done as part of a routine inspection, or individually where necessary
24 Hour Call Out
Xpression can attend anywhere in mainland England, Wales or Scotland, in person where necessary, or arrange a local, trusted technicians to get to you quickly. An OBCD is always taken to diagnose the fault quickly to make a quick diagnosis and get you back on the road as soon as possible.
Tail Lift Services
Twice annual Tail Lift Service and Inspection must be carried out by law
Oil and Fluid Inspection
Usually carried out as part of an annual service but can be done individually if it is felt necessary. Oils and fluids provided.
MOT Facilitation
Xpression will transfer the vehicle to our local, preferred specialist for its MOT as part of Annual Servicing.
Annual Lifting Equipment Safety Inspection LOLER
Annually, a full safety inspection with LOLER safety certificate. It is illegal for a lift to operate without a current LOLER certificate.
LOLER, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. This places duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control of lifting equipment. Should be carried out at least every 6 months if used to carry people, and at 12-monthly intervals if only used for moving goods.
Tyre Inspection
Usually carried out as part of the PMI but can be done individually if required. Sourcing and replacement of tyres where necessary
Trailer Safety Inspection (HGV Trailers)
Trailers are subject to the same roadworthiness scrutiny as any other freight or passenger-carrying commercial vehicle. It is recommended they are serviced at the same time as the truck but can be done independently.
OBD (On Board Diagnostic)
A computer system inside the vehicle which tracks and regulates its performance, collecting information from a network of sensors inside the vehicle. Xpression have all necessary equipment needed to connect to the vehicle’s OBD and perform analysis, to make accurate diagnosis of faults and clear them.
Annual Service
Generally referred to as a Full Annual Service and Inspection, which includes a service report. This is a legal requirement.

Vehicle Fabrication
Where necessary, Xpression can do in-house welding, metal fabrication and other fabrication in order to correct vehicle faults on site.